Data Reader account provided is not same as that in the management group

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troubleshooting   operationsManager

Thank you to Luis Décio for the original creation of the KB!

During installation of SCOM Reporting services, you may see the following error: Data Reader account provided is not same as that in the management group.

How to fix

Reconfigure the “Data Warehouse Report Deployment Account” Profile

Set the Data Warehouse Report Deployment Account to the Class “Collection Server” and “Data Warehouse Synchronization Server”


Reconfigure the “Data Warehouse Account” Profile

Data Warehouse Action Account to the Class “Collection Server”, “Data Warehouse Synchronization Server”, “Data Set” and “Operations Manager APM Data Transfer Service”


After configuring the above, the SCOM Reporting component installed successfully with the Data Warehouse Report Deployment Account as expected.

Automate with Powershell

You can use Powershell to automate fixing the DW RunAs Profiles. I would suggest that you remove all RunAs accounts from both RunAs profiles (“Data Warehouse Account” and “Data Warehouse Report Deployment Account”) prior to running the below Powershell script.

Blog post from Udish Mudiar:

Here is my own take on Udish’s Powershell script:

# Original Author: Udish Mudiar
# Original Blog Post:
# =========================================================================================================================
# Modified by: Blake Drumm (
# Last Modified: March 8th, 2024
# Blog Post:

function Invoke-TimeStamp
	$TimeStamp = (Get-Date).DateTime
	return "$TimeStamp - "
Write-Host "`n`n------------------------------------------------------------" -ForegroundColor Green
#Associate Run As Account association in Data Warehouse and Report Deployment Run As Profile.
Write-Output "$(Invoke-TimeStamp)Script started"

Import-Module OperationsManager

#Get the run as profiles
$DWActionAccountProfile = Get-SCOMRunAsProfile -DisplayName "Data Warehouse Account"
$ReportDeploymentProfile = Get-SCOMRunAsProfile -DisplayName "Data Warehouse Report Deployment Account"

#Get the run as accounts
$DWActionAccount = Get-SCOMrunAsAccount -Name "Data Warehouse Action Account"
$DWReportDeploymentAccount = Get-SCOMrunAsAccount -Name "Data Warehouse Report Deployment Account"

#Get all the required classes
$CollectionServerClass = Get-SCOMClass -DisplayName "Collection Server"
$DataSetClass = Get-SCOMClass -DisplayName "Data Set"
$APMClass = Get-SCOMClass -DisplayName "Operations Manager APM Data Transfer Service"
$DWSyncClass = Get-SCOMClass -DisplayName "Data Warehouse Synchronization Server"

#Setting the association
Write-Output "$(Invoke-TimeStamp)Setting the Run As Account Association for Data Warehouse Account Profile"
	if ($APMClass)
		Set-SCOMRunAsProfile -ErrorAction Stop -Action "Add" -Profile $DWActionAccountProfile -Account $DWActionAccount -Class $CollectionServerClass, $DataSetClass, $APMClass, $DWSyncClass
		Set-SCOMRunAsProfile -ErrorAction Stop -Action "Add" -Profile $DWActionAccountProfile -Account $DWActionAccount -Class $CollectionServerClass, $DataSetClass, $DWSyncClass
	Write-Output "$(Invoke-TimeStamp)Completed Successfully!"
	Write-Output "$(Invoke-TimeStamp)Unable to set the RunAs accounts, try removing all accounts from inside the RunAs Profile (`"Data Warehouse Account`"), and run the script again."
	Write-Warning "$(Invoke-TimeStamp)$error"
Write-Output "$(Invoke-TimeStamp)Setting the Run As Account Association for Data Warehouse Report Deployment Account Profile"
	Set-SCOMRunAsProfile -ErrorAction Stop -Action "Add" -Profile $ReportDeploymentProfile -Account $DWReportDeploymentAccount -Class $CollectionServerClass, $DWSyncClass
	Write-Output "$(Invoke-TimeStamp)Completed Successfully!"
	Write-Output "$(Invoke-TimeStamp)Unable to set the RunAs accounts, try removing all accounts from inside the RunAs Profile (`"Data Warehouse Report Deployment Account`"), and run the script again."
	Write-Warning "$(Invoke-TimeStamp)$error"

Write-Output "$(Invoke-TimeStamp)Script ended"
Write-Host '------------------------------------------------------------' -ForegroundColor Green

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About Blake Drumm
Blake Drumm

I like to collaborate and work on projects. My skills with Powershell allow me to quickly develop automated solutions to suit my customers, and my own needs.

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About Blake Drumm

My name is Blake Drumm, I am working on the Azure Monitoring Enterprise Team with Microsoft. Currently working to update public documentation for System Center products and write troubleshooting guides to assist with fixing issues that may arise while using the products. I like to blog on Operations Manager and Azure Automation products, keep checking back for new posts. My goal is to post atleast once a month if possible.

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